November release

November release

Towards our aim of ‘optimizing processes, not people’, we excitedly introduce the star of this release: Merge Request Analytics, along with another feature to view greater detailed insights on daily updates.

The vision that drove our updates for this release?

Reducing bottlenecks. Everywhere.

Time-intensive merge and review processes. Idle MRs. Hasty or bulky MRs.

Where ever we could find them. Even in our own website. So we changed the longer, multi-form sign-up...

...And hereafter, you can sign up without address or credit card details—and have the [day period] trial to avail this experience straightaway.

⬆️ Driving action through MR Analytics ⬆️

Measure metrics like cycle time and throughput: Take action using insights quantified as throughput and cycle time, with detailed views for each MR—creator, approval, Jira ticket number, and contributors. Get an MR-wise view across repositories.

Graphs for number of MRs merged and average Cycle Time, grouped by month

Graphs for number of MRs merged and average Cycle Time, grouped by month

View all your open MRs and track them until they are merged: Reduce dependency on reviews and successive implementation by iterating through code quickly: push (or delay) code to production depending on MR risk levels and pending status. View pickup time and nature of work done for each MR.


📈 Detail-driven daily updates 📈

Understand contexts for each change daily with deconstructed specifics for every status - Commits, MRs (merged/open), issues (ongoing/finished), risks, active developers, and more.


👩‍💻🧑‍💻 Easier sign up 👩‍💻🧑‍💻

w/o credit card, single form; [on Dharin]

💡 Improvements 💡

  • Initial job tracking time reduced by [% decrease]
  • Added maintenance window flags
  • Added search feature to track individual developers from the Developer Dashboard

🛠 Bug Fixes 🛠

Fixed missing commits